Feel confident in your best colors 💖

The #1 Color Analysis App for discovering your season
Seasons view in the app (mobile)
Color season result in the app (mobile)
Side-by-side 'compare seasons' dialog in the app (mobile)
Side-by-side 'compare seasons' dialog in the app (mobile)

Find your season, instantly ✨

Don’t know where to get started?
Get your personalized color analysis in three easy steps:
  1. Upload a selfie
  2. Our expert AI analyzes your features
  3. Get your personalized report with your season, best and worst colors, makeup suggestions, and more
Seasons dialog in the app (mobile)

Digital drapes for all seasons

Trying to find your season by draping?
Vivaldi Color Lab provides a curated selection of digital drapes for all 12 seasons, to help you understand which colors look best on you.

Try on 150+ different hair, makeup, and apparel colors

  • Trying to decide whether warm vs. cool makeup suits you best?
  • Or what color to dye your hair?
Powered by AI, you can experiment with changing your hair, lipstick, eyeshadow, and apparel colors, all conveniently sorted by season.
Woman with summer hair and makeup
Woman with spring hair and makeup
Color test view in the app (mobile)

Free color analysis quiz

Have an eye for color already?
For a more self-guided approach, take our free color analysis quiz, which breaks down the process to help you discover your undertone and season.

Compare seasons side-by-side

  • In between two seasons?
  • Not sure about warm vs. cool colors?
See the difference yourself by observing the effect of different seasons side-by-side.
Side-by-side 'compare seasons' dialog in the app (mobile)
Side-by-side 'compare seasons' dialog in the app (mobile)

Recommendations for your season

  • Tired of buying the same lipstick shades which never quite pop on you?
  • Or hopping on the latest fashion trend only to realize the colors don’t work on you?
Skip the shopping decision paralysis, and receive tailored recommendations for makeup and clothing based on your season.
Product recommendations in the app (mobile)

Get your personalized color analysis today 🎨